Silly Beatles, Boomers Don’t Play Video Games


The band is getting back together.

Okay, not really, but a few members are reuniting to guide a new video game project from MTV Networks and Harmonix, the geniuses who brought you that ROCK BAND game that everyone — especially the guy who lives in the apartment below us — seems to love so much.

While it’s still untitled, we do know that PAUL MCCARTNEY, RINGO STARR, YOKO ONO LENNON and OLIVIA HARRISON are all involved and that the final product, which will include master recordings of the band’s UK releases, is meant to be “an experiential progression through and celebration of the music and artistry of The Beatles.”

Sounds epic.

“The Beatles continue to evolve with the passing of time and how wonderful that The Beatles’ legacy will find its natural progression into the 21st century through the computerized world we live in,” says Starr in the press release. “Let the games commence.”

So what do you think? Is this a smart way to milk the Beatles-loving Baby Boomers one more time, or will a few instances of repetitive strain injury slow an older generation of gamers?

We know the details are fuzzy, but is anyone under the age of 55 actually be interesting in playing? [Billboard]