The Work of National Geographic Photographer William Albert Allard


William Albert Allard: Five Decades is a photographic memoir that details the 48 years that Allard — who is considered a pioneer of color photography — spent in the field shooting images for National Geographic. As an intern for the magazine back in 1964, he first made a name for himself with his intimate photographs of the Amish, which were considered a landmark in the photographic evolution of National Geographic. Allard went on to have work featured in some 30 articles, as well as in a number of National Geographic books. Click through for a slideshow of some of our favorite images from the retrospective, the majority of which are previously unpublished.

Bird hunters, Coffee Creek, Montana, 2006. ©William Albert Allard

Calving time, Padlock ranch, Montana, 1975. ©William Albert Allard

Buckaroo T. J. Symonds, IL Ranch cow camp, Nevada, 1979. ©William Albert Allard

IL Ranch buckaroo Stan Kendall at the bar, Mountain City, Nevada 1979. ©William Albert Allard

Brian Morris, Circle A boss, Paradise Valley, Nevada, 1970. ©William Albert Allard

Minor league spring training, Phoenix, Arizona, 1990. ©William Albert Allard

Bicyclists, Ferrara, 2001. ©William Albert Allard

Girls running home, Béhorléguy, France, 1967. ©William Albert Allard

Ungaro models backstage, Paris, 1988. ©William Albert Allard

Sandrine Gataleta, Arles, 1993. ©William Albert Allard

Indigo Maynard, Missoula, Montana, 2009. ©William Albert Allard