The 10 Greatest Four Loko Tributes


As Sparks heir and current cultural scapegoat Four Loko hurtles towards a nationwide ban, its fans and foes are becoming more obsessed with the caffeinated malt beverage with each passing day. While we at Flavorpill have no official position on the drink, we are thoroughly enjoying the many colorful tributes it has inspired — in the form of tattoos, rap songs, catchy slogans, viral videos, and one hilariously stodgy New York Times review. Enjoy the best of them (and, if you like, pour one out for old Four Loko), after the jump.

Four Loko tattoo:

I’m with Loko:

Anamanaguchi’s Four Loko tribute concert: Tonight. Union Square. New York City. 7pm. Free. Epic.

How to make your own Four Loko homebrew:

“Belligerence Canned: The Four Loko Experiment”:

Four Loko Stories:

Lokhibition Ban Map:

“Four Loko,” the rap song:

“Four Loko,” the other rap song:

NYT’s Frank Bruni reviews Four Loko: