Photo Gallery: Irina Werning’s Back to the Future Project


For Back to the Future, a new series by Buenos Aires-born artist Irina Werning that we spotted over on Urlesque, people were invited to re-create their old photographs in the same locations, wearing the exact same clothes. In many cases, it’s amazing to see how little a person has changed over the course of a few decades; in others, it’s almost impossible to believe that Werning is working with the original subjects. Click through to view a gallery of some of our favorite shots.

Irina Werning, FLOR, MALE, SIL IN 1983 & 2010

Irina Werning, MATIAS IN 1977 & 2010, Uruguay

Irina Werning, LUCIA IN 1956 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, Nico in 1986 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, MECHI IN 1990 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, FLOR IN 1975 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, BENN AND DAN IN 1979 & 2010, London

Irina Werning, Lulu & G in 1980 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, INGRID IN 1987 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, DAMIAN IN 1989 & 2010, London

Irina Werning, NICO IN 1990 & 2010, France

Irina Werning, CECILE IN 1987 & 2010, France

Irina Werning, LALI IN 1978 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, PANCHO IN 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Irina Werning, FER IN 1970 & 2010, Buenos Aires