We learned some important things about Flickr this morning. First, there is a remarkably prolific photographer somewhere who likes to take pictures of dolls wearing wigs. Searching the word “wig” will produce an embarrassment of these creepy little masterpieces for anyone who’s interested. Next, “brick wall” (unsurprisingly, in retrospect) will get you a very long list of Pink Floyd references. Does anyone else sense the irony here? Finally, photographs of cats are not specific to any one search term. In fact, almost every word we tried got us at least one cat picture. Even the words “train tracks” turned up a picture of a kitten frolicking in the sunshine. Weird.
Anyway, the word we settled on was “lawn chair”. Below, check out the patio furniture we found most striking. No cats allowed.
Got a word we should search next week? Leave it in the comments.