Photo Gallery: Delicious and Nutritious Fruit and Veggie Tattoos


It’s summer, and you know what that means: fresh food is in abundance, and it’s never tasted better. Farmer’s markets are exploding with organic goodness and all we want to do is while away the hours next to a pitcher of iced tea and a quart of plump strawberries. Summer is the perfect combination of skin-bearing opportunities and fresh produce availability, so maybe it makes sense that we’ve been seeing a ton of fruit and vegetable-related tattoos this year. As a tribute to the warmer months and all the market salads we have been consuming, click through to see our gallery of fruit and veggie tattoos. Maybe it will inspire your next bout of body art, or maybe it will inform your dinner, but either way, we think it’s sweet and delicious. Be warned: the final image, an artichoke tattoo, is NSFW but was just too good not to include.















