The Fug Report: Highs and Lows from the Week in Fashion


Editor’s note: Welcome to The Fug Report! Each week our fashion blogger friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the sartorial geniuses behind Go Fug Yourself, will feature some of their favorite looks of the week in this space. We hope you enjoy it!

This week on Go Fug Yourself, we took a walk down memory lane to revisit the past and current hotness of Ralph Fiennes. We wondered what was up with Robert Pattinson’s new, weird, haircut. We gazed longingly (?) at Robert Downey, Jr. — even if he is wearing something that looks like a test pattern. We checked in with Jennifer Aniston, and found her wearing seriously weird shoes. We talked about Christina Hendricks’ boobs (what else?) on the cover of Lucky. And, finally, we put J. Lo to work — look, she’s going through a divorce. She needs to keep busy.