Britney Replaces Redbull with Flowers and Chick-Lit


There are certain widely-accepted pop culture truths. Kim Kardashian has a big butt. Michael Jackson likes little boys. Britney Spears is totally crazy. But wait! Leaked hotel requests from her UK tour dates tell a different story. Chick-lit and trashy mags? A smoke-free room? Flowers (which she’d rather arrange herself)? Holy Mrs. Dalloway! This isn’t the Frap guzzlin’, Marlboro Light puffin’ Southern belle who randomly started speaking with a British accent only a year and a half ago. After the jump, Britney’s “demand list” — chock full of the things that most cheesy 27-year-old women we know like.

1. A room that has never been smoked in, humidifiers in all areas, 100 watt bulb lighting and a selection of fresh flowers that she will arrange herself

2. A variety of the latest magazines, DVDs featuring Marilyn Monroe and a selection of topical, chick-lit books

3. Running routes through nearby Hyde Park and horse riding opportunities

Note: “The employee added that Spears will be bringing her own pillows for comfort, security will sleep outside her hotel door and she wants tickets for various West End shows and a private visit to Kensington Palace, the former home of Princess Diana.”

Scandalous. What’s next? Dijon mustard?!