Watch Alec Baldwin Visit Occupy Wall Street


Alec Baldwin has been tweeting his support for and analysis of Occupy Wall Street for a few weeks now, so it’s not surprising that he got off the Internet and joined the protesters in Zuccotti Park late last night. Around 11:30pm, he tweeted that he was en route to OWS, eliciting all kinds of responses from followers; while many supported his visit, some clearly disapproved of the protests, and others questioned how a member of the 1% would be received there. After leaving the park, Baldwin hopped back on Twitter to thank some of the people he met “for this evening’s OWS tutorial” and defend himself against accusations of hypocrisy, writing that he has donated all of the money he’s earned from Capital One commercials to arts charities. Watch a video from last night, in which Baldwin patiently and articulately answers questions about capitalism, the SEC, ending the Fed, and bank reform while some guy pesters him about Ron Paul and a voice off camera wearily reminds press that “this is not a media event.”

[via Gothamist]