Guy Denning’s Portraits of Occupy Wall Street Protestors


Occupy Wall Street and its affiliated demonstrations may, by now, be the most photographed protest movement in the world. But, as ever, when we’re flooded with images, it’s difficult to devoted our full attention to both the hopeful (activists working together and helping each other) and the frightening ones (police beating activists). That makes art like Guy Denning‘s sketches of the Occupy movement all the more valuable. By picking out individual faces — pepper spray-happy NYPD officer Antony Bologna, Anonymous members in Guy Fawkes masks, a young woman who might be injured wrapping her arms around a man — and separating them from any background or crowd, the British artist creates distinctly humanist portraits of the 99 percent. That Denning often chooses to use newsprint as his canvas is a subtle reminder of his work’s relationship with the news cycle. Peruse some of his most powerful Occupy drawings after the jump, and check him out on Facebook, where he posts a new picture every day.

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (Bologna’s enthusiasm), 2011, conte and chalk on newsprint, 44 x 28 cm [Spotted via Colossal]

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (the revolution will not be televised), 2011, conte and chalk on paper, 24 x 33 cm

Guy Denning, October 15th (we won’t let it drop), 2011, conte and chalk on cardboard packaging, 46 x 55 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy (the 99%), 2011, chalk and conte on paper, 30 x 40 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (no permit), 2011, conte and chalk on paper, 30 x 26 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy Oakland (they kept shooting), 2011, chalk and conte on paper, 30 x 45 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (the sound of free speech), 2011, conte, chalk and masking tape on newsprint, 30 x 54 cm

Guy Denning, ‎Occupy Wall Street (mace sprayed), 2011, conte and chalk on paper, 50 x 50 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (new media method),2011, conte and chalk on paper, 30 x 40 cm

Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (new media method), 2011, conte and chalk on paper, 30 x 40 cm