In the wake of an uninformed tweet regarding Joe Paterno’s dismissal as Penn State football coach (which has since been deleted), Ashton Kutcher, who in many ways was one of the first celebrities to fully embrace and harness the power of Twitter (not to mention, hit one million followers), has made the interesting decision to turn over the reigns of his account to his handlers. “While I feel that running this feed myself gives me a closer relationship to my friends and fans I’ve come to realize that it has grown into more that a fun tool to communicate with people,” he writes. “While I will continue to express myself through @Aplusk I’m going to turn the management of the feed over to my team at Katalyst Media to ensure the quality of its content.” Are you at all surprised by this news given the serious nature of his gaffe? Do you think Kutcher’s eight million followers will stick around if he’s no longer technically running the show? [via THR]