To: Zooey Deschanel
From: President Barack Obama
Regarding: Her 32nd birthday and her support of ambitious young ladies.
To: Michael Jackson
From: President Ronald Reagan
Regarding: Jackson’s hospitalization after experiencing severe burns on the set of a Pepsi commercial.
To: Elvis Presley
From: President Richard Nixon
Regarding: A recent visit and a World War II Colt 45 pistol.
To: Steven Spielberg
From: President Ronald Reagan
Regarding: The awesomeness of E.T.
To: Shepard Fairey
From: President Barack Obama
Regarding: The Obama “Hope” poster.
To: Chet Atkins
From: President Gerald Ford
Regarding: A visit to Vail.
To: Betty White
From: President Barack Obama
Regarding: Her 90th birthday and birth certificate.
To: Marilyn Monroe
From: Assistant to President John F. Kennedy
Regarding: The President’s birthday party.