10 Essential Party Promotion Lessons from Bad Rave Flyers


Here at Flavorpill HQ, we’ve spent the past hour or so in hysterics thanks to the absolutely brilliant Bad Rave Flyers, which we spotted via Dangerous Minds. The blog is exactly what the title suggests — a collection of hilariously terrible flyers for warehouse parties, club nights, and various other poorly defined events. While we’re tempted to simply point and laugh, we’d be remiss not to point out that the site doubles as a crash course in how to not to promote a party. After the jump, we’ve collected the best of the worst Bad Rave Flyers and reflected on what we can learn from them.

1. Take one thing off… or, you know, 20

Photoshopping a flyer is sort of like assembling an outfit, so it makes sense that stylists’ favorite cliché — “take one thing off” — applies to party promotion, too. In the case of the remarkable, multi-layered specimen above, the vodka bottle could definitely go. Or that cluster of white-background logos. Or the busy, clip-art jumping girl. Or the swirly, barf-colored background. Or the boxy, candid shots of… are those guys the DJs?

2. Don’t be too literal

We imagine the person making this flyer was thinking, “It’s Karla’s birthday and there are going to be drinks.” Message received, but we’re really missing that certain je ne sais quoi.

3. Don’t use images you’ve already seen on a million different flyers

This flyer says, “You know the last ten parties you didn’t have any fun at? Yeah, this is going to be just like those.”

4. If they can’t read the name of the event, they’re probably not going

It’s actually that simple.

5. Learn something about the culture you’re appropriating

Because the Middle East is more than just the genie from Aladdin, a belly dancer with a garter belt, and “clean Hookahs!”

6. Go ahead, put Hello Kitty all over your flyer…

… but just think, for a moment, about what kind of adults you’ll attract to a party where she’s the main draw.

7. Minimalism has its limits…

… and headphones floating in urine exceeds them.

8. You don’t need a tagline

Actually, they have a point: We’re so over parties that are all about the “ing.”

9. Learn to use Photoshop, or don’t use Photoshop at all

What’s that in the shoe? Do we not want to know?

10. Your flyer should probably not look like a terrorist threat

Because if you thought having cops raid your party was a bummer, just think about what a visit from the CIA would be like.