Striking Underwater Photography of Fallen Surfers


Australian photographer Mark Tipple’s The Underwater Project captures surfers and swimmers frozen mid-action as they’re thrown down by the force of waves, escaping a cloud-like avalanche of frothy water, plummeting toward the sandy ocean floor, and thrusting themselves triumphantly towards the rippled, silver surface. Yes, these images are quite striking and totally refreshing… because Tipple wants them to be. With this deliberately appealing project, the photographer is trying to bring attention to the humanitarian organization Gallery for Justice, bridging fine art and coverage of social justice issues, like documenting the plight of transients, junk yard gleaners, and child buskers in Jakarta. Now back to the surf. Enjoy these sparkling, compelling visions of the underwater world and maybe, pick up a copy of the book.

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple

Photo credit: Mark Tipple