A Surprisingly Lovely Portrait Made Out of Coffee Ring Stains


Coasters are totally overrated. Inspired by one of Jay Cou’s songs, artist Hong “Red” Yi created a portrait of the Taiwanese musician using nothing but coffee rings, left by an actual mug expertly set down over and over again on a canvas. Yi writes, “It is inspired by the opening sentence [of the song], about lifting up a coffee cup off the saucer, and the ending of the song about autumn leaves and fragmented pieces. This is shown through the portrait as a whole — how it’s formed by many individual rings, many of them broken and imperfect like fallen autumn leaves.” We’re amazed that Yi was able to fit so many slightly unpredictable parts together to make sure a lovely portrait — but then again, she must have been pretty heavily caffeinated. Check out the finished product and a video of Yi at work after the jump.

[via The Daily What]