Just about every major movie that comes out these days — and not just the family fare — ends up producing some kind of commemorative doll. Same with any platinum-selling pop star. But have you ever noticed how little these Barbie-like creations tend to resemble their subjects? Well, so has Noel Cruz, an artist who repaints the dolls so that they uncannily recreate the faces of celebrities and their characters. See a perfectly preserved mid-’80s Madonna, Angelina Jolie at her steamiest, and even Harry Potter, after the jump. Then, make sure you visit Cruz’s website to check out more of his work.

Madonna. Image credit: Noel Cruz. Spotted via Thaeger
Michael Jackson. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Cher. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Angelina Jolie. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Daniel Craig. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Farrah Fawcett. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter. Image credit: Noel Cruz
Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. Image credit: Noel Cruz