See the Foreign Film Syllabus Martin Scorsese Sent an Aspiring Filmmaker


At this point in his career, Martin Scorsese has ascended from auteur to national treasure. Not only is he still making great movies, reaching ever-younger audiences, and exploring new technology — in fact, he accomplished all three of these feats with Hugo — but he’s also hugely important in the film preservation movement, and just generally excited to share his limitless knowledge of cinema. Flavorwire’s own film editor, Jason Bailey, recently put together a fascinating video essay compiling the must-see flicks Scorsese shouted out in an epic Fast Company interview. Happily, there are more recommendations where those came from; Reddit picked up a list the director sent an aspiring filmmaker, Colin Levy, of essential foreign movies to “jump start [his] film education.” We co-sign the whole damn thing and are especially thrilled to know that Marty’s a big Fassbender fan. See the syllabus after the jump, and update your Netflix queue accordingly.

[via Moviefone Tumblr]