We’ve Found Our Weber Winner


On the back of some great Grill and Chill with our Weber Q140, asked you to tweet us @flavorpill with your answer to the question: What’s the craziest thing you’ve barbecued?

On top of the strong responses we got yesterday, some new tweets worthy of mention include @PatriciaRealini: “myself. i was 9 & i thought the grill was off. well, it wasn’t. my fingers looked like rare pork sausages for a week” and @lindsayliu: “I BBQd whole rats and monkey heads in Africa. Gotta eat, my friends.”

Of course, our real winner took up another notch.

@rburton85: “alligator on a stick. saw it at the taste of Chicago and had to try to do it myself. tastes just like it smells…delicious!”

We couldn’t agree more. Congratulations!