David Simon Has a Blog, Is Ambivalent About Blogs


That’s right, fans: your favorite highbrow showrunner has launched a blog called The Audacity of Despair. David Simon revolutionized TV with The Wire, so we can only imagine that his blogosphere debut means it’s time for the rest of us to up our game. Although he’s professed that nothing he writes on his website will have “much prolonged value,” he’s already weighed in on a host of issues, including the writing economy and his ambivalence about blogging, going home to Baltimore (he compares a pair of mallards in front of a convenience store to “white kids trying to cop off a westside corner”), Levon Helm, and Trayvon Martin. Despite Simon’s humility, it’s all worth a read — because, you know, this guy is kind of a genius and even his casual musings reflect that. Just don’t screw this up by sending him your “screenplays, or manuscripts for quotes, or actor glossies,” OK?