Strange and Surreal Paintings Starring Little Girls’ Toys


It’s like Hieronymous Bosch with Barbies, or a horror movie starring beloved little girls’ toys. Those are the kinds of comparisons that come to mind when perusing the paintings of Ewelina Koszykowski, a Poland-born, New York City-based artist whose Immaculate Deception series places dolls and My Little Pony toys (and sometimes hybrids of both) in strange and disconcerting contexts. In one, dozens of undressed Barbies dance menacingly in the dark, at the feet of an apparently sleeping human. Another finds a nude woman with bird features and a cloud of keys for a head praying against a background of torn pony wallpaper, crumpled fast food containers and doll heads littering the floor. Click through to take a look at Immaculate Deception, which we discovered via This Isn’t Happiness, and visit Koszykowski’s website for more of her work.

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski

Image credit: Ewelina Koszykowski