Quote of the Day: Is Twilight Sexing Up the Harry Potter Franchise?

Twilight is a blip on the cultural radar compared to the Harry Potter phenomenon — the provenance of chastely horny teenage girls and lonely, approaching middle age hobby LARPers, whereas Harry and Co. have the mass and broad appeal of a Da Vinci Code (only they’re much, much better.) Though, if we’re honest with our Potter-obsessed selves, it’s hard to believe that the smoldering and yearning of Twilight — such catnip! — had nothing to do with the smoldering and yearning poster shown here.

– Gawker’s Richard Lawson, diehard Potter fan. While we usually agree with 99 percent of what he says (particularly anything related to trashy TV), like it or not, Twilight is far from a “blip on the cultural radar” [insert evil Stephanie Meyer cackle here].