Photorealistic Paintings of Enticing Book Spines


There’s something about painterly realism that sparks the viewer’s desire. When we see renderings of sweets that look lifelike enough to eat them, we get a sugar craving. And, as book lovers, when we encounter enticingly real-looking paintings of stacked book spines, like Canadian artist Paul Béliveau’s, it’s impossible not to imagine paging through these lovely tomes. Click through to see a selection of works from his Les humanités series, which we discovered via Faith is Torment, and visit Béliveau’s website for more.

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 12.02.03, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 121 x 121 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 11.08.18, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 122 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 10.04.19, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 122 cm

Paul Béliveau, Les rencontres : Krazy !, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 102 x 152 cm

Paul Béliveau, Les rencontres CVI, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 183 x 244 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 12.02.03, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 121 x 121 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 10.09.15, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 213 x 213 cm

Paul Béliveau, Les rencontres CXXXIV, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 183 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 10.05.20, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 183 cm

Paul Béliveau, Vanitas 12.04.11, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 91 x 91 cm