He enjoys a soft drink. [via]
He shoots pool. [via]
He asks people to speak up. [via]
He listens to Beyoncé. [via]
He goes to basketball games. [via]
He wears hoodies. [via]
He has phone dates with friends. [via]
He’s pretty festive at Christmas. [via]
He reads about exotic locations. [via]
He loves the beach. [via]
He eats sweets! [via]
He enjoys getting flowers. [via]
He plays with blocks. [via]
He dresses like a tourist. [via]
He rides a bicycle. [via]
He’s really into Batman. [via]
He swings at the playground. [via]
He encourages good hygiene. [via]
He’s an amateur photographer. [via]
He paints, too. [via]