Awesome ‘Avengers’-Inspired Magazine and Newspaper Covers


As you’re enjoying that Netflix stream of The Avengers, the first question you’d ask might not be, “How exactly would the New York media cover this?” But luckily for you, graphic artist Kimba McG did ask that question, and the result is her MediAvengers project, in which she works up inventive covers and spreads for magazines and newspapers’ imagined coverage of the superhero crew — from Time and the Times to Forbes and US. Check out a few of her best after the jump, and swing by her Tumblr and Facebook page to see more.

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

Artist Credit: Kimba McG

[MediAvengers, via /Film]