It’s a known fact that cats prefer to perch in high places and can become frustrated when they don’t feel challenged by the typical toy. Yet designers and architects often ignore our animal family members when it comes to creating spaces where people and pets live. What’s a house panther to do? We searched high and low for feline-friendly interior solutions that offer pets a permanent place of their own. These catwalks, staircases, and bridges allow kitty to stretch the imagination and get a paw up on indoor living.

German company Goldtatze creates elaborate cat walkways, bridges, and other vertical-happy spaces, all made from natural materials. The company started when designer Stefan Hoffman wanted to outfit his feline friend Mowgli with extra climbing space in their apartment.
This fun “cat transit system” is appealing for humans and felines thanks to its vintage, industrial design and kitty-approved tubular layout. It’s the ideal way to entertain cats that have a penchant for hogging desk space and playing with your papers. Viewing ports allow kitty to pop up and say hi when lonely.
A floating staircase is the perfect way for kitty to climb to new heights and feel like king or queen of the world.
This apartment was made for cats and cat lovers alike, featuring scratch-resistant walls and floors and a labyrinthine set of tunnels, elevated catwalks, cozy nooks, and tons of vertical jumping space. And who can resist a lit media cabinet where kitties are on full display?
Bob Walker’s Cats’ House is a rainbow-colored play pad for kitties that features 140 feet of neon aerial walkways, spiral stairs, towering scratching posts, and other fun amenities for his furry friends.
Showcase your cats and books with these built-in shelves that are climb-friendly, but still design-friendly.
The Softbox TiriPiri is a vacation home in Plienciems, Latvia, designed by firm ARHIS. It boasts a split-tread staircase — a favorite of the resident feline. We can almost hear the pitter-patter of tiny paws.
Japan-based architect Keiji Hirose is known for building homes that are pet havens. He creates interior solutions to satisfy an animal’s behavioral needs. His architecture firm Fauna + Design created the cat apartment featured above — and then there’s this triple layered staircase. A simple series of steps becomes a complex kitty play area or soothing hangout with plenty of space to relax and explore.
Part sculpture, part architectural object, the Skiitch scratching post from Kassen is a modern piece of art that kitten claws will love. Made to resemble a Brutalist work of architecture, Skiitch is 32 inches tall and encased in a 20-pound cement base. The overall design offers a sense of permanence, but the heavy-duty corrugated cardboard is replaceable.
Not long ago we introduced you to the concept of the cat café, and this Taiwan-based hangout continues the trend that has been popping up throughout China and Japan. Sometimes referred to as Neko cafés (neko meaning “cat” in Japanese), the cat-tastic, caffeinated hubs offer city residents a place to enjoy feline companionship since apartment living is usually cramped, leaving no room for pets. The cafés are outfitted with permanent fixtures like catwalks, lookouts, and elevated perches.