Exhausting, right? Or is it all making you think about the nature of celebrity in our culture? (Be honest: it’s not really making you think very much about the nature of celebrity in our culture, is it?)
Someone famous said that all the world’s a stage. (Can’t quite remember who, though.) And, sure, we’re all “acting,” but if acting like an asshole in public is now performance art, then performance art doesn’t exist. If everyone’s a performance artist, then nobody is a performance artist. And, really, the internet is not a stage or an art gallery just waiting to provide you with an audience’s undivided attention. The internet is an extension of the real world, a place where no one can hear themselves think above the mindless chatter of everyone, constantly shouting over one another and, basically, ignoring everyone but themselves. Is that performance art? Is this blog post performance art? Is everything that anyone does in public performance art? Is asking rhetorical questions performance art? Nah, it’s all just life.