‘Elegance in the Age of Crisis’: Stylish Clothing From the 1930s


It was the worst of times, it was the best dressed of times. It was the decade of the Great Depression and the rise of Hitler’s Germany. So when you take a walk through The Museum at FIT’s Elegance in an Age of Crisis: Fashions of the 1930s exhibition, it might come as a surprise that one of the darkest eras in our history was also one of the most stylish. Click through to see a few highlights from the show, which is on view through April 19, in our gallery.

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Man’s beach robe, McGregor (Circa 1935-1940, USA)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Yellow silk dressing gown, Charvet (Circa 1930, France)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Negligee ensemble, HélèneYrande (Circa 1930, France)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Jacket, London House (Circa 1930, Italy)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Gown, Augustabernard (Circa 1929, France)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Evening dress, Louiseboulanger (Circa 1929, France)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Blue wool herringbone twill evening jacket, Knize (Circa 1937, Austria)

Image courtesy The Museum at FIT

Black silk gown, Alix (Circa 1938, France)