These Minimalist Illustrations Make ‘True Detective’ a Lot Less Creepy


I’m surprised it took seven weeks before I started seeing True Detective fan art pop up on the internet, especially considering how time is a flat circle and all of that. (I don’t even really know what that means.) But Chicago-based illustrator Nigel Evan Dennis has turned out some great minimalist illustrations (spotted via The Guardian ) depicting Rust Cohle, Marty Hart, and all of the series’ creepy imagery. Although the colorful, quirky nature of these images certainly counteracts the show’s spookiness and makes me a little less freaked out by sticks and antlers.

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis

Image credit: Nigel Evan Dennis