Glamorous Pin Ups of Your Favorite TV Characters, from ‘Twin Peaks’ to ‘Broad City’


New York City is a tough, demanding home, leading Broad City‘s Abbi and Ilana into the sort of grungy and gross scrapes that means that they’re rarely seen as glamorous. But through the eyes of artist Emma Munger, Abbi and Ilana are worthy of a bicep tattoo in her series of endearing portraits of pinups. She renders your favorite TV shows and films in sharp and curvy lines, charming portraits that show iconic characters in bewitching style. Munger has great taste and your favorite show is likely included in the below series, from Broad City to Twin Peaks (she’s also selling Men of Twin Peaks Valentine’s Day Cards) to Orange Is the New Black. Here are some of our favorites:

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger

Credit: Emma Munger