‘Twas a Magical Day, ‘Twas a Dumb Day: Links You Need to See


Once again, Tatum has Channed. That statement is purely meaningless, but because of the thorough sexual flaunting of his famous bod in all things Magic Mike, even his name is evocative of an erotic dance, itself seeming to spill out of the thong of language. Or something. In honor of the release of Magic Mike XXL, UPROXX has put together a history of Channing Tatum’s own former stripper career. “Former,” however may be the wrong word, as he recently said he’d “never say never” to another stripping opportunity.

Speaking of celebrities and bodies, Jim Carrey has, as A.V. Club refers to it, reprised his “talking-out-of-ass shtick” (a reference, of course, to Carrey’s butt cheeks’…emotive performance in Ace Ventura) in tweets against the new vaccination legislation in California (some other Jim Carrey movies, like that pictured above, could also be applied to a headline). As the article describes, “Carrey’s ass believes—despite an overwhelming scientific consensus to the contrary—that tiny amounts of a vaccine preservative called thimerosal can cause autism.” This all comes in response to California Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of a new law saying that people no longer have philosophical or religious exemption from vaccinating their children. However, if Jim Carrey’s hangups about mercury in thimerosol (it’s this particular substance that he’s ranting about, and which he happens to be wrong about) are over the top, they’re nothing compared to what you’ll read about in Jezebel’s in-depth article on Anti-Vax Wall of Shame – The Fall of the Wall.

True Detective hasn’t lost its beauty… it just may have lost some of its depth and prestige. Thus, to honor the continued beauty, The Creators Project interviewed designer/animator Raoul Marks about his mesmeric title sequences. Meanwhile, to… dishonor the show’s increasingly self-serious-but-harder-for-audiences-to-take-seriously dialogue, Electric Literature published a very handy guide to how not to write dialogue, using True Detective‘s generous examples.