Hugh Jackman has played Wolverine in eight X-Men movies, and though his face has now completely fused to people’s notions of the character, it seems he’ll be abdicating his claws after staring in the sequel to The Wolverine in 2017. Enter Conan, who’s shooting his show from San Diego Comic-Con this week, and was able — “don’t ask [him] how — to get ahold of the audition tapes” to find Jackman’s replacement.
The tape rolls, and suddenly audiences are given the unforgettable gift of Thomas Middleditch, Nick Offerman, Hannibal Buress, Larry King and Michael Sheen trying to seduce casting agents with their very singular takes on the character.
Rolling Stone notes that this is the first time a late night show has been filmed in San Diego, and that Conan is on a role with making bold location-based choices. In his introduction to his Comic-Con vacation, Conan also, like the many actors above, gave his own reinterpretation of an unexpected character: Mad Max: Fury Road‘s guitar-playing ghoulish dashboard trinket, Doof Warrior. Watch: