Google Patents a Memory-Recording App: Links You Need To See


It’s National Tequila Day and therefore time to start drinking Mexico’s finest mezcal the right way – and that means no shots, according to Huffington Post’s recent interview with mixology expert David Alan. On a different (but ultimately related?) note, Google’s still-untitled, just-patented Black Mirror-ish (or, if you prefer, reverse-Eternal Sunshine-ish) memory recording app may at some point also help you recollect the goings-on of your Tequila Day. According to, the product — possibly an eye implanted lens — could archive memories into a type of photo/video gallery, enabling users to replay their own real-life experiences. The notion of lost memories would, itself, become a memory.

And for more seemingly fictional but true July articles, check out these baffling headlines culled from the news by Electric Literature . Similarly, the Harry Potter tales have also leaped from their fictional world into reality by kicking off the 3 day-long, European Quidditch Games hosted by Sarteano 2015 in Italy.

The Guardian has posted an article on Tom Hodge’s (the designer of the poster for Hobo with a Shotgun) new book, VHS Video Cover Art – a meticulously curated collection of video-box art that “shaped [Hodge’s] visual aesthetic” as a poster artist and graphic designer. (And if you’re interested specifically in deranged VHS covers, a 2013 Flavowire article has what you’re looking for.)

MTV announced that Miley Cyrus will host 2015’s Video Music Awards, and with such news come expectations of the “worst” things that could happen. At least for people like Tim Winter, president of the Parents Television Council, who believes that the show won’t be “safe for children to watch,” even though Cyrus will could potentially touch on far more important issues than what’s standard for the pop award ceremony – here are a few groundbreaking things Cyrus may do in favor of ostracized identities and “transgressive” ideals at the VMAs.

Stress may seem limitless, although it’s often derived from work, for many from within the four walls of your everyday office job. So, it’s no surprise that a recent finding, discussed in The New York Times, asserts that a walk through nature may actually help with brain health, relieving stress and tempering moodiness. Brian Kane’s Healing Tool, a temporary public installation of nature photographs on billboards across interstate freeways, applies such findings for drivers too busy at the wheel to stop and take a walk.