The Internet Wants to Pay Kanye West’s $53 Million Debt


Are you worried that Kanye West won’t be able to pay back his $53 million debt? Have you been walking around in a daze since The Life of Pablo came out, thinking “What can I do to help Kanye?”

If so, you’re not alone.One extremely concerned fan has started a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe to raise money to pay Kanye’s self-proclaimed debt.

“As Kanye West has told us time and time again he is the ‘greatest living artist and greatest artist of all time,'” campaign organizer Jeremy Piatt said on the campaign page. “Great artists need to be supported financially to achieve their full potential.”

Kanye made his public proclamation about his debt Saturday night on Twitter:

Later that night, Kanye said Mark Zuckerberg should give him one billion dollars.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the campaign raised $773 dollars from 113 charitable souls.

For those concerned that Piatt may have organized a very trendy scam, the organizer assured potential backers that he would not receive any money for running the campaign.

“I would like everything to go to Kanye,” Piatt said in an update. “Since he is such a high profile public figure, I would prefer to have GoFundMe transfer all funds to his people directly.”

The Life of Pablo is currently streaming on Tidal. Kanye said the album will never go on sale directly, though that may change if Piatt and his friends don’t come through…