What’s Happening at Flavorpill: Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we worried about 30 Rock‘s Grizz. We reveled in Courtney Love’s new Facebook photo. Sure, she may not have custody of Frances Bean anymore, but at least she’s got Michael Douglas! We spent the day practicing our best “kosher face” before we open our Hanukkah gifts tonight, praying that one of them is this distant relative of the Snuggie because we still don’t know the proper way to wear a scarf (it’s difficult, OK?!). We realized CNN is foolish and wrong when it comes to talking about The Simpsons, but not as foolish as Michelle Branch sounds on her Twitter feed. Someone better publish that woman’s album. We booked flights to DC to visit our new favorite store. Peeps for everyone! And then we stared at some Venn diagrams for a while but got distracted by all the colors.