HBO Confirms: Jon Snow Is Dead. But Is He Really? Is He Actually Dead?


If there was any doubt in your mind about whether or not Jon Snow is dead, HBO has just cleared that up: Jon Snow is dead. You might have already assumed this, or you might have been holding out for some season premiere reveal of a stab-proof vest. But in the very brief synopsis of the first episode, it’s clearly stated: “Jon Snow is dead.”

Now, what does that mean? It doesn’t say that Jon Snow is “gone.” Is Jon Snow going to come back as a White Walker? Is he going to be resurrected as — book spoilers — Catelyn Stark was? Or is he truly dead, and Kit Harington just really enjoys hanging out with his former co-stars while they’re filming, in the countries in which they’re filming? To be fair, Harrington has made statements that confirm his appearance, though as a “dead” Jon Snow. But, like we said: what does “dead” even mean on this show?

As for the rest of the Season 6 premiere, the plot is pretty sparse. “Daenerys meets a strong man” and “Cersei sees her daughter again” are mentioned. We’ll find out, maybe, April 24, when the show premieres its sixth season on HBO. But, like, no way is Jon Snow dead. Can’t be true. Absolutely not.

UPDATE: In a clip from last night’s Conan, Liam Cunningham (GoT‘s Davos) shares a snippet of the sixth season’s premiere in which Davos defends Jon Snow’s dead body. So.. maybe he is dead? Maybe! Cunningham refuses to confirm or deny Snow’s death, even now. Watch the clip below — the scene begins at around 1:50, but Cunningham himself is a generally charming presence, so why not watch the whole thing?