Sequel to Cult Film ‘Quadrophenia’ to Shoot this Summer


Mods and rockers, start your scooters. According to NME, 1979 cult classic Quadrophenia (based on the iconic rock opera of the same name by the Who) will be getting a sequel, which is based on the book To Be Someone by Peter Meadow and is expected to “catch up with the characters at a later stage in their lives.” Shooting is set to begin this summer with director Ray Burdis at the helm.

Original cast members Phil Daniels (Jimmy Cooper), Mark Wingett (Dave), Trevor Laird (Ferdy) and singer Toyah Wilcox (Monkey), all in their 50s now, are slated to appear in the film, though no word yet on whether the producers have gotten their paws on Sting.

As Wilcox said, “Quadrophenia was really zeitgeist and it’s never really gone away, as every new generation connects with it.” Let’s hope the sequel lives up to that high bar.