In a flurry of colorful animations and theatrical faces, Sony Pictures Japan breathes life into a new (promotional, ugh) music video for the upcoming Ghostbusters film. Japanese comedians Tomochika, Oniyakko Tsubaki, Naomi Watanabe, and Shizuyo Tamasaki put their perfectly absurd spin on Ray Parker Jr.’s original theme song, which has been a classic since it was released with the original film back in 1984.
With whatever weirdness was going on in the awful official new Ghostbusters theme song, this rendition of the classic song has reignited hope that the upcoming flick won’t be all that bad. Similar to the movie itself (back off you sexist fools) the cast for the video is also all-female, minus two harmless breakdancing ghosts.
The video also includes clips from the film’s trailer, as part of the Ghostbusters ad campaign. The film is set to hit theaters next month, on July 15.
Watch the music video below and, honestly, thank you J-pop for redeeming the mess that came before this. Please continue to create more dope comedic content like this.