The First Image of Pennywise from the New Adaptation of Stephen King’s ‘It’ Is Here, and It’s Fucking Terrifying


If you grew up reading Stephen King novels like a certain Flavorwire editor, or you were terrified by the original film adaptation of King’s 1986 novel It, or you’re just shit scared of clowns like any normal person, you’ll be, um, delighted to know that the first image of the ever-terrifying Pennywise from the new film adaptation of King’s book surfaced on the internet today — and, yes, it’s fucking terrifying! The new film stars Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise, and in the official portrait that emerged today, he looks like the stuff of nightmares — which is, of course, the point. The film is due out next September, and as per EW, it’ll update the story for modern audiences — the original novel and film took place in the 1980s, with flashbacks to the 1950s, while the new adaptation will take place in the present day, with flashbacks to the ’80s. Whatever the case, Pennywise remains frightening as shit — what the new film will do with the novel’s weak-ish ending (a giant spider? really?) and weird teen group sex scene remains to be seen.