Michelle Obama Talks Melania’s Plagiarism, Imitates Barack on Late Show With Colbert


On The Late Show With Stephen Colbert last night, First Lady Michelle Obama (whose rapport with Colbert is perennially delightful) said she didn’t have much sympathy for political spouses who have to stand by their men (or ladies) even when they disagree politically.

“If you’re in it, and if you don’t agree, you should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if you didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So I stand there proudly, and I hope they are, too, standing with their spouses proudly. So no, no sympathy,” she said. When Colbert mentioned feeling sympathetic to Melania’s plagiarism, which he and Laura Benanti had mocked viciously on his show, her only response was a deadpan: “yeah,that was tough.”

She also treated the audience to her imitation of her husband at the dinner table, droning on [pun intended -Ed] about global warming while his family just wants to discuss Lemonade. He loves gossip, she said, because “he doesn’t have a life.”

Whether she’s replaced by Bill Clinton or Melania Trump, we will miss her dearly. Watch below.