Does shomebody, or a wittle pair of shomebodies wif small wittle handies, need a shafe shpace fwom all da meanies on da TV?
Yes, call the wahmbulance! For, you see, the former reality TV personality who now holds executive office and his bully-in-chief Press Secretary (or as I call him pwess shecwetawy), Sean Spicer, were reported to be having many, many a case of the sads and mads last night! Their little snowflake fee fees are hurt — you might even say triggered — over the fact that a mean girl named Melissa imitated Sean on a popular Saturday evening television show, and did it so well, with such gusto, that the real life person and the satirical one are nigh inextricable.
Watch it again, just for fun, below, before reading on!
Gosh, that was funny. So funny. Anyway, Politico reports:
More than being lampooned as a press secretary who makes up facts, it was Spicer’s portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes, according to sources close to him…. Trump’s uncharacteristic Twitter silence over the weekend about the “Saturday Night Live” sketch was seen internally as a sign of how uncomfortable it made the White House feel. Sources said the caricature of Spicer by McCarthy struck a nerve and was upsetting to the press secretary and to his allies, who immediately saw how damaging it could be in Trump world.
This story immediately inspired Twitter to suggest that SNL should continue to unnerve the chauvinist yet strangely sensitive bros in the White House by hiring Rosie O’Donnell to play Trump.
In case you missed it, here’s that clip again. Just in case you need a pick-me-up.