Watch the First Trailer for the Sight-Restoration Domestic Drama Thriller (?!?) ‘All I See Is You’


The filmmaking career of Marc Forster has been… odd. That fact is made abundantly clear by the “From the director of” card in the trailer for his latest, All I See Is You, which lauds the singular voice behind World War Z, Finding Neverland, and Monster’s Ball. Like, how do you even land on that series of titles? Also noteworthy in its absence: his second-highest grossing movie, Quantum of Solace, which is a whole lotta people’s least favorite James Bond movie. So yeah, he did that too. And Stranger Than Fiction! Which is really good! So who even knows with this guy.

Anyway, All I See Is You premiered at TIFF – no, not the one last week, but the one last year, and to give you some idea of its buzz level, I was at that festival and didn’t know it was there. It stars Blake Lively as a young blind woman and Jason Clarke as her devoted husband, who begins to feel a little less necessary when her sight is restored. But the trailer makes it look less like a domestic drama than some sort of creepy thriller, so it’s hard to tell what exactly this movie is, I guess we’ll just have to look at the director’s customary style to get some idea of OH RIGHT.

Take a look, and take a guess:

All I See Is You is out October 27, so I guess we’ll all figure it out then.