Daily Dose Pick: Allison Schulnik


Allison Schulnik’s gravity-defying oil paintings and mesmerizing claymation video for Grizzly Bear’s “Ready, Able” show she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty in the name of art.

Impressively, the LA-based painter had to switch to metal-reinforced linen when the sheer weight of her works’ mounds of oil pigment proved too hefty for traditional canvas. Favoring storylines about noble-hearted wanderers and adopted strays, she fleshes out her subjects’ inner lives with paint, putty, tenderness, and divine excess.

Visit Schulnik’s official website, check out her LA exhibition, read a recent interview, and learn how to make your own claymation video.

White Possum, glazed porcelain


Still from Forest video

Stills from the “Ready, Able” video

White Flowers #2

Hobo with Bird

Home for Hobo limited-edition book

Raku Racoon glazed porcelain