Just Like Us: Famous Artist Passport Photos


Voyeurism and nostalgia, two great pastimes of the internet age, come together in this set of vintage passport photos of famous artists, writers, musicians, and dancers. Though the U.S. State Department now decrees that “photographs should be taken in normal street attire, without a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline,” Isadora Duncan and Mary Cassatt would have pooh-poohed those ridiculous rules. After all, one must hold a sense of decorum whilst engaging in travel abroad.

Impressionist painter Mary Cassatt, 1918

F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1917 (left) and in 1921 (right)

Dancer Isadora Duncan (wearing a scarf!) in 1918

Friends and poets Ezra Pound (1918) and T.S. Eliot (1917)

Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920

Zeppo, Harpo, and Groucho Marx, all in 1922

[via The Rumpus]