Flickr Found Photo Fridays: The Final Facebook Frontier


On Found Photo Fridays, we embark on an odyssey through the depths of Flickr with just our wits and one search term to guide us. Today we wondered what would happen if we Flickr-searched the name of a competing photo-sharing site (of sorts). Why, it would be like Googling “Yahoo”! Internet worlds collide! Since we already determined what kind of Facebook user you are, after the jump we bring you Facebook as filtered through Flickr.

[via Laughing Squid]

[via robleto]

[via David Briard]

[via Vasjen Katro]

[via Joe Mitraglia]

[via JShine]

[via laikolosse]

[via Laughing Squid]

[via lucinelcielo]

[via Benny the Bunny]

[via Hellblazer!]