The Tianjin Binhai Library is a Book Lover’s Dream


When the world feels like a giant dumpster fire and everything is terrible, books are a savior. The Tianjin Binhai Library in Tianjin, China opened in October, and we can’t stop staring at photos of all the books. This bibliophile’s dream is part of the Binhai Cultural Center and boasts 33,700 square meters of book-tastic space. Yes, there are books floor to ceiling; each shelf holds 1.2 million books. That giant white orb in the center of the library is an auditorium and not something from David Lynch’s third season of Twin Peaks or new TM jewelry line (cult vibes). It seats 110 people and is visible from the exterior through an eye-shaped opening.

The library was designed by Rotterdam-based architecture firm MVRDV and the Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute — or perhaps by some sexy book-loving divine being. Sit down and brace yourself for a peek.

To see more photos of this stunning space, click here.